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little go 〔英國〕(劍橋大學)學士學位的小考[預考]。

little hours

But remember , a little goes a long way : too much of some of these can ruin a recipe and may not be ideal for your health 但要記住,日食一點方可大見其效:某種香辛料使用過量不僅會毀了菜肴,還可能對健康不利。

In 1924 , erick little went to the olympics . he was a runner , one of the greatest runners that ever lived 年,列圖參加奧運他是一名賽跑選手,有史以來最偉大的賽跑選手,他參加

Can i have a go ? - yeah , you can have a little go if you want 我能試試么? -好,你想的話就試試看

- can i have a go ? - yeah , you can have a little go if you want -我能試試么? -好,你想的話就試試看

I got you a little going - away present 我給你準備了一份到別的禮物

I got you a little going - away present . . 我給你準備了一份到別的禮物…

Mr bush has little going for him in 2008 2008年,布什先生將是無所作為的。

It began with a row, it ended with a row, and little went right in between . 它以吵架開始,又以吵架告終,其間也很少有發展順利的時候。